DataSemanticsManagementVolume1RationaleRequirementsAndArchitecture 9780978996840FrontCover
Data Semantics Management...Vol 1

This book shows why a time-tested, highly-engineered approach to shared data is essential to your business.

The book provides:

* A Justification for the Shared Data Environments Essential to Business Success

* A Critical Semantic Foundation for Reliable and Repeatable Shared Data

* Lessons Learned from Multi-Hundred Million Dollar Failures

* A Detailed Framework for Shared Data Environments

* A Strategy to Address Names, the Achilles Heel of Shared Data

* A Step-by-Step Approach for Automatic Name and Definition Construction

* An Approach to Deal with the Hidden Shared Data Killer - Value Domains

* A Focused Look at the Six Classes of Business Facts

* And Much, Much More!

Data Semantics Management, Vol 1, Rationale, Requirements & Architecture
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The book's author is Michael M. Gorman.

Gorman is an Industry Leader for Data Management Standards & Secretary of the Database Languages Committee since 1978.

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