Enterprise Architectures
The Enterprise Architectures book is about 250 pages. Its contents are engineered to enable users to create the critical architectures in support of enterprise-wide missions, organizations, database object classes, data models, data, resources and their life cycles, and an encompassing Knowledge Worker Framework.
This book provides:
1) Clear and Concise Explanation of Enterprise Architecture
2)An Outline for the Elements of Good Architectural Design
3)Exploration of the Myth Behind a Single Architecture Works for All Problems
4)Definition of the “Knowledge Worker Framework” for contained Architecture
5)Enumeration of the Five Critical Architectures of the Enterprise
6)Exploration of the Metabase Solution for Enterprise Architectures
7)And Much, Much More!
The book's author is Michael M. Gorman.
Gorman is an Industry Leader for Data Management Standards & Secretary of the Database Languages Committee since 1978.