1. Storage Structure & Access Strategy
The storage structure and access strategy workshop concentrates on the proper analysis and selection of the DBMS's storage structure and access strategy appropriate for the database. Needed to perform this analysis and selection is the database size, its volume of updates, interrogation modules and their complexity. Taken together these all point to a single overall selection.
2. Data Loading Subsystem
The data loading subsystem workshop concentrates on determining the strategy by which data is converted to and loaded into the database. Data sources can be both automated and non-automated. In either case, a firm set of rules must be established and adhered to--via software--for the correct capture, editing & validation of data which is then inserted into the database. The product of this applied workshop is the specification of the data loading subsystem.
3. Data Update Subsystem
The data update subsystem workshop is centered on database object update, for without correct database object state changes there can be no database integrity. Activities in this workshop center on the understanding of the various sources of database object state changes, its frequency and volume. Once known, the specifications of a centrally designed and implemented data maintenance subsystem can be created. The product of this workshop is also a set of specifications.
4. Major Interrogation Subsystem Review
The major interrogation subsystem review workshop is designed to effect logic walk through for several of the more important retrieval and reporting applications that interact with the database. The products of this applied workshop are reviews of the specifications of only the major/critical interrogation subsystems.
5. System Control Analysis and Design
The system control analysis and design applied workshop concentrates on the development of the necessary specifications to safeguard three aspects of the database project: the database, the database management system, and, the applications which use the database and the database management system. Output from this workshop are again specifications for the implementation of critical system control activities.