Acquire most recent mission-organization-function interaction model.
Review the model to identify essentially multiple functions operating within the same organizations performing a common mission.
Determine if the duplication results from trivial style differences or whether they produce conflicting accomplishments.
Determine if the different functional processes attempting to accomplish the same organization missions different as to efficiency and effectiveness.
Set out the features, advantages and benefits across the different but functionally equivalent processes.
Determine the most efficient and effective processes.
Determine if it's politically expedient to replace the less efficient and effective process(s) with the most efficient and effective process.
Determine drawbacks from such process changes.
Determine of a given set of processes are more efficiently and effectively performed by a different mission-organization.
Publish a comparison of the original mission-organization-function model and the range of alternatives of mission-organization-function re-engineerings including features, advantages, benefits, efficiencies and effectiveness of proposed changes.
Republish proposed mission-organization-function alternatives to enterprise stakeholders for their review and input.
Receive review and make appropriate adjustments.
Publish selected mission-organization-function alternative and develop project plan to accomplish changes.