The Whitemarsh Metabase software system is enterprise database software, and was designed to support the answering of the following critical questions:
Business Information Systems: Exactly what are the business information systems, where are they, how are they related to mission, organization, function, and databases, and how are they interrelated to each other including their calendar and business event execution schedules? What is the impact on these business information systems when policy (a.k.a., data) is required or changed?
Data Modeler: What are the context independent semantic templates of data elements and how are these configured into models of data (the consequence of policy execution) determined as needed by functional experts in support of enterprise missions, and how are these specified data model requirements configured into implemented databases that ultimately operate within various organizations as they perform the functions needed by enterprise missions? Also, what are the models of data used by Business Information Systems?
Database: What data is needed to support enterprise resource life cycle nodes, how are the databases defined within data architectures, and how and where are those databases deployed and then used by business information systems in support of mission accomplishment? Also, what are the data model details of the databases?
Documents and Forms: What documents and forms provide critical information about the enterprise? How are those documents and forms interrelated one with the other? How are these materials subdivided and then properly related to specific functions performed by organizations in the accomplishment of missions? How are these able to be related to certain View columns?
Requirements Management: What are the requirements that in total support the development of key enterprise database components? How these requirements are interrelated, subdivided, and then related to the various metadata components that are "required" as a consequence? How can the complete set of effects can be known and interrelated?
Information Needs: What information (a.k.a., query results or reports) is needed by various organizations in their functional accomplishment of missions and what databases and information systems provide this information?
Mission Analysis: What are the essential missions that define the very existence of the enterprise, and that are the ultimate goals and objectives that measure enterprise accomplishment from within different business functions and organizations? Functional Analysis: What procedures are performed by groups in their achievement the various missions of the enterprise from within different enterprise organizations?
Organizational Analysis: Which organizations are accomplishing what aspects of missions with what databases, information systems and through which functions?
Resource Life Cycles: What are the key Resources (facilities, materiel, staff, etc.) How are they sequenced, interrelated, and how are they supported through databases and information systems?
Use Cases: What are the detailed business process scenarios required to accomplish the necessary work of the enterprise? What are the interrelationships among use cases? How are the use cases subdivided into certain events? What are the pre-, post-, and special-conditions of these use cases? What are the business facts that are read, selected, updated, and reported within use cases? What are the relationships between use case facts and database view columns?
Governance: Who are the persons, and what is their enterprise context, that is, their Mission, Organization, Function, and Position who are currently responsible for the integrity and correctness of a large collection of work products that are developed within the scope of the various Metabase System Functional modules.