
Database Objects Development


2 hours

  1. Develop Database domain hierarchies from Mission Descriptions
  2. Refine the database domain hierarchies until data is adequately discovered.
  3. Analyze each database domain and develop an entity-relationship diagram.
  4. Ensure that all database domain nouns are represented in database domain entity-relationship diagrams.
  5. Analyze each entity from within the database domain and entity relationship diagram to uncover:
    • Business data elements
    • Property classes of collections of business data elements
    • Database objects of collections of property classes
  6. Define each database object class into the Metabase System.
  7. Define each property class as a potential database table within the Metabase System's Implemented data model
  8. Define, if necessary, the business data elements within the Metabase System's Data Element model.
  9. Allocate to each database object class the proper set of database tables.
  10. Identify and define the database object class table primitive data transformations to ensure ongoing integrity.
  11. Determine the life cycle states for each database object class
  12. Identify a database object state information system.
  13. Allocate the database object class table primitive data transformations to the database object state information system
  14. Identify the appropriate database object state information system execute sequence.

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