
DBMS Columns

A DBMS column is a partial policy-descriptor of a DBMS Table. The DBMS Table provides the overall policy-context within the scope of the DBMS Schema for the DBMS Columns which, in turn, acts as a data-based property descriptor for the DBMS Table.

There are four classes of data-based properties, that is, DBMS Columns, that can be assigned to DBMS Tables. The classes are:

  • Uniqueness -- the value of one or more data-based properties that when used as a selector retrieves one and only one instance.
  • Audit -- the data-based properties that enable knowing the metadata surrounding the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of a created or updated instance.
  • Relationship -- the data-based property that is subsequently employed in a different Table to enable a value-based relationship between the "parent" Table and the "child" Table.
  • Content -- the data-based properties that inform the policy-based content that is to be represented by an instance.

For the Operational Data Model, the DBMS Column required classes are Uniqueness, Audit, Relationship and Content.

The process to create DBMS  Columns includes:

  • Start the Operational Database Model Metabase System Module
  • Select the DBMS
  • Enter User Name and Password
  • Select the Menu Item, Columns, then the subordinate item, Maintenance, and finally DBMS Columns.
  • Select a Schema
  • Select a Table
  • If the DBMS Column is to be a root DBMS Column, select "Hierarchy," and press Insert, and then
    • Create the Common Business Name
    • Press the Reset button
    • Select the Abbreviation Business Domain
    • Press the AutoAbbrev[iation] button
    • Uncheck the Freeze All Names check box
    • Enter a local definition
    • Press the AutoDef button to generate the definition
  • If the DBMS Column is to be a contained DBMS Column, select the containing DBMS Column and press Insert, and then
    • Create the Common Business Name
    • Press the Reset button
    • Select the Abbreviation Business Domain
    • Press the AutoAbbrev[iation] button
    • Uncheck the Freeze All Names check box
    • Enter a local definition
    • Press the AutoDef button to generate the definition
  • If an existing DBMS Column is to be updated, select the particular DBMS column, and then
    • Uncheck the Freeze all names box,
    • Modify if needed the Common Business Name
    • Delete Name and UserSetName entries
    • Press the Reset button
    • Select the Abbreviation Business Domain
    • Press the AutoAbbrev[iation] button
    • Uncheck the Freeze All Names check box
    • Enter or modify a local definition
    • Press the AutoDef button to generate the definition

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