The focus of the Engineering Organizations for New or Replaced Business Information Systems, is to change the "As-Is" models of business organizations, business functions, business events and lower levels of business missions to meet the needs of the "To-Be" models.
The "To-Be" models are based on the re-characterizations of the newly created business information systems and business events. Changed too may also be modifications to the Resource Life Cycle networks and contained process requirements.
The required changes will likely result in changes to any of the work products identified in the cells from columns Mission, Business Function, and Business Organization from row three through row six.
The differences between the "As-Is" and the "To-Be" models changes are likely to be manifest in changes to the following:
- Staffing kinds and quantities
- Staffing allocation within the enterprise organizations
- Job descriptions, duties, and performance requirements
- Business event schedules and calendar of events
- Procedure manuals
- On-line help access and guides
- Software changes
- Hardware changes
- Training courses, seminars and the like.
- Revisions and changes to appropriate metadata via the Metabase System