Facts that are really the same should be named and defined the same, and facts that are different should be named and defined differently. This should go without saying.
To assist in achieving this, the Metabase System provides for definitions to be installed in each of the contexts including for example Schemas, tables, and meta category values.
Facts can also include localized definitions. Notwithstanding the best of intentions, the local definitions can vary across similar intention columns within different tables and schemas. For example, Telephone Number within an Employee table might simply be "Employee telephone number." But in another table it might be the "Number assigned by the telephone company that is used to communicate with another organization and/or person."
While there can be proponents for both definitions, the following might well be stated. The first is that the definition is too short, includes the name of the fact's context, and is simply a repeat of the fact's name.
The second definition is way too long and consists of too much irrelevant information. So, what's the best approach? For sure there is no ONE best approach, but here are suggestions. First, let the Metabase System automatically construct the name. Second, enter a very cryptic local definition and let the Metabase System automatically construct the definition. Third, given this information, revisit the local definition, modify it, and then finally let the Metabase System reconstruct the definition.
To uncover the set of local definitions for a given column in order to harmonizing the following steps are:
- Start for example, the Implemented Data Model Metabase System Module
- Select the DBMS
- Enter User Name and Password
- Select the Menu Item, ReEngineering
- Select the Subordinate Menu Item, Synchronize Column Local Definitions
- Select from the left side, the Synchronize-From Schema, then its table, and finally one of its column
- Select from the right side, a Synchronize-To Schema, then its table, and finally its columns
- Tag those columns that are to have their local definitions updated to be the same as the selected Synchronize-From column.
- Proceed to tag different columns in different tables and schemas.
- Once all the Synchroize-To columns are tagged, press the Synchronize Definitions button