We studied the U.S. Government Accountability Office's (GAO) reasons for IT system failures. The reasons were counted, cataloged and turned into percents. Our findings: 40% from requirements and design errors; 50% from organizational and functional mismatches after production starts, and only 8% from IT. In address these failures, Whitemarsh developed a framework for knowledge workers. After all, that's who we are. The Knowledge Worker Framework (KWF) contains and interrelates the work products needed for success. Its description is located at: www.wiscorp.com/KnowledgeWorkerFramework.pdf We encased these work products within our methodologies, books, webinars, and workshops. As you execute these, the Metabase System holds, interrelates, and maximizes reuse of the resulting work products. The Knowledge Worker Framework coupled with the Metabase System's Payoff