
Project Inventory


One Day

The focus of the IT Project Inventory presentation is the identification, description, and identification of the project deliverables associated with the current set of IT projects.

Projects are associated with Missions-Organizations-Functions. Project Deliverables are associated with a number of Metabase System components including Business Events, DBMS Schemas, DBMS Columns, Work Environment Factors, Person Skill Levels, Documents, Use Cases, Data Integrity Rules, Mission-Organization-Functions, Resource Life Cycle Nodes, and User Acceptance Tests Metabase System Deployment Introduction.

Once mapped, the current set of projects enable a more comprehensive view of what efforts are underway in the accomplishment of enterprise architecture current and future plans.

More importantly than just knowing which projects are underway, through the allocation to the Enterprise's Resource Life Cycle Node network, IT organizations are able to have an overall Gantt and critical path chart of the entire collection of IT projects, each set within the context of each other as to criticality of need, slack time, and the like.

Metabase System Deployment

Included in this presentation is the identification of the relevant Metabase System data model tables, and the various Metabase System functional modules and processes necessary to capture, store, update, and report appropriate captured data along with an instructor led followed up by workshop exercises on enterprise architecture work products.

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