
Promote Operational Database to Implemented Database Model 

Some or all of an Operational Database model can also be "promoted" to be an Implemented Data Model. This would be appropriate if there is a Reverse Engineering strategy that starts with Operational Databases, imports them into the Operational Database Model Metabase System module, then inductively promotes collections of subject-similar DBMS Tables into Implemented Database Models that, in turn can be mined to ultimately build Specified Data Models and Data Element Models.

This road to an Enterprise Data Architecture is efficient, effective and able to be accomplished iteratively over time. The promotion scenarios are:

  • Promote the Operational Data Model
  • Promote an Operational Data Model Table
  • Promote an Operational Data Model Table Column

The process to accomplish Operational Database Model promotion include the following scenarios:

  • Start the Operational Data Model Metabase System Module
  • Select the DBMS
  • Enter User Name and Password
  • Select the Menu Item, ReEngineering, then the subordinate menu item, Promote Operational Data Model to Implemented Data Model
    • Select a source DBMS Schema (this auto creates a same named subject)
    • Press, Promote Operational Data Model.
  • Or, Select the Menu Item, ReEngineering, then the subordinate menu item, Promote Operational Data Model Table to Implemented Data Model
    • Select a source DBMS Schema
    • Select the target Schema (it must already exist)
    • Select the root DBMS Table upon which to build a tree
    • Press the Promote Operational Database Model Table
  • Or, Select the Menu Item, ReEngineering, then the subordinate menu item, Promote Operational Data Model Table Column(s) to Implemented Data Model Table
    • Select a source DBMS Schema
    • Select a source DBMS Table
    • Select and tag one or more DBMS Columns
    • Select a target Schema (it must already exist)
    • Select an Table that will host the promoted DBMS Columns
    • Press, Promote Operational Data Model Columns

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