Technical Reasons for employing Whitemarsh's services
1. Experienced fired methodologies and techniques across the spectrum of enterprise wide database.
2. Exposition of the features and facilities of the new SQL 2012 standard.
3. Methodologies for database projects that are fast, sure, and that have never failed.
4. Comprehensive questionnaires for DBMS, and for metadata repository evaluation and selection.
5. Common sense, comprehensive approaches to achieve data standardization through highly optimized techniques for metadata standardization.
6. A living website with the addition of new materials, revisions of existing materials, and member submissions of data models, work breakdown structures, and metrics.
7. A unified taxonomy that governs all the books, papers, courses, and software.
8. A single glossary.
9. The WisWeb's owner, Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation, has maintained access since 1978, through its continuous membership on the ISO/ANSI DM32.2 Technical Committee on Database Languages, to the brightest and best minds in database. ISO/ANSI DM32.2 invented ANSI SQL. (top)
Management Reasons for employing Whitemarsh's services
1. Standard methods that are based on techniques that have been proven over 35 years of direct database experience.
2. Metrics that enable accurate estimates and project plans.
3. Increased control through decreased risk.
4. Better project management through a comprehensive, project management database application.
5. Better identification of and planning for information systems projects that fit within the enterprise's mission.
6. An overall knowledge worker framework that addresses the most critical success/failure areas that have been identified by the United States' Government Accounting Office's audit of multi-hundred-million dollar database projects.
7. A single taxonomy that controls all books, papers, courses and software and that addresses all levels of personnel from the highest levels of management through technical developers through ultimate end-users. (top)
Cost Related Reasons for employing Whitemarsh's services
1. The price strategy was designed to promote the widest possible website membership among membership classes, which are individuals, information systems departments, professional training organizations, and universities and colleges.
2. Because the Whitemarsh materials cost, production, and distribution structures are radically different from traditional sources for these same materials, it is not even remotely fair to compare the WisWeb prices to those you would pay a professional bookstore, a training organization, or a consulting company. They have to charge many, many times more to recover their costs. If you removed their costs from their prices, then the prices are comparable. Your real choice then does not relate to the value you receive, but the price you chose to pay. (top)