Resource Life Cycles Data Architectures And Business Information Systems Intersection
Four Days
Prior Workshop Homework
Review of preceding workshop's "Homework" of Data Architecture and Business Information Systems Intersection that is a prerequisite to this workshop.
Revise Data Architecture and Business Information Systems Intersection as appropriate.
Accomplish business information system allocation
Identify business information systems that are related to Resource Life Cycle Nodes.
Allocate business information systems to resource life cycle node(s) and describe the contribution to the resource life cycle node by the business information system.
Develop and deliver presentation of accomplished work products
Revise as necessary
Accomplish database object class allocation
Identify database objects that are related to Resource Life Cycle Nodes.
Allocate database object classes to resource life cycle node(s) and describe the contribution to the resource life cycle node by the database object class.
Develop and deliver presentation of accomplished work products