Special Terms and Conditions for Professional Training Organizations
1. A training organization is a non-degree granting organization that provides or sell training to its members or to the public at large for a fee. Only occurrences of courses that employ Whitemarsh materials in any way are included in the determination of the count of student class days. For the purposes of memberships there are three types of training organizations: small, medium, and large.
2. A small training organization is one that has fewer than 100 student class days in a single year.
3. A medium training organization is one that has between 101 and 500 student class days in a single year.
4. A large training organization is one that greater than 500 student class days in a single year.
5. A student class day is 1 student for one day in which there are 5 or more class hours.
6. A counted student class day is one in which the materials are employed in any way.
1. A training organization member cannot give the WisWeb password to any student.
2. A training organization member cannot give the Whitemarsh materials to any instructor whose course does not employ the Whitemarsh materials
3. A training organization member is allowed to give Whitemarsh Materials only to students within a training organization's course that uses the Whitemarsh materials.
4. Notwithstanding General Authorizations Paragraph 4, a training organization member may however include Whitemarsh Materials in Member training materials or proposals for training contracts providing the materials clearly identify the Whitemarsh Materials, and that Whitemarsh is the owner of Whitemarsh Materials.