Data Interoperability Community of Interest Handbook
$79.95 $51.97 On Sale!
Data-centric organizations engineer "data" in support of the manufacturing of information. Regrettably, many of the databases and information systems that have built over the past 50 years have been "Interoperability Challenged." Some are even level "minus 3" on a 1-5 point Software Engineering Institute scale.
In response, organizations demand amended ways: Produce interoperable databases and systems, and by yesterday if not sooner. Great pronouncements are often made; strategies are set into place; Power Point presentations are produced at prodigious rates; and if lucky, funding follows. Surface validity to the pronouncements and approaches abounds everywhere.
Over the years, however, instead of doing the hard work of building interoperable databases and systems, efforts are redirected onto the tracks of the newest, fast traveling silver bullet. All to often, objectives are not achieved, and sometimes, project failure or death is the result.
This book is not about another silver bullet.
Rather, this book is about how to achieve data interoperability the old-fashioned way. Earned. That is, accomplished by engineering metadata repository environments, having clear missions, functions, organizations, and such, and then building, through consensus, interoperable data and process specifications, one at a time within communities of interest. Once grounded, more expansive specifications can be created by intersecting shared data across communities of interest. Ultimately, the result is shared data.
The key components of this approach have been tried before, and succeeded. This book is modeled on the success of others. The book's approach also works both ways: Forward and Reverse engineering.
What this book does is lay all this out in a step by step manner. It builds on already known and proven concepts. It provides the blueprint of the metadata infrastructure, the interoperable product specifications, and the work breakdown structures. This is the handbook for the data interoperability team members.
Data interoperability is a problem we have all been striving to solve. The solution is right before our eyes: It's common sense, clear thinking, and hard work accomplished through proven strategies and methodologies.
The book was modeled after three very successful IT communities of interest. Thus, the book is a very practical, day to day, engineering, construction and development guide for the creation of Data Interoperability Standards.
The complete table of contents and Chapter 1 of the book are available from the website's product page. Here is the high level table of contents.
1 The Demand for Data Interoperability
2 Rationale for Data Interoperability
3 Required Metadata Infrastructure
4 Mission
5 Database Objects
6 Business Information Systems
7 Business Events
8 Business Functions
9 Organizations
10 Positions
11 Documents and Guidance
12 Projects
13 Rules