
To Be Enterprise Architecture Model


One Day

The focus of the To-Be Enterprise Architecture Model presentation is the development of a To-Be Enterprise Architecture. There will be several key activities in this effort.

The first major activity is the revision to the already developed data Architecture Reference Model levels.

  • Data Semantics Modifications: The data semantics, which are prefix semantic modifiers and suffix data user modifiers are employed to provide standardization contexts for business data elements, attributes from specified data model entities, and columns from  implemented data model tables were previously developed during the data architecture creation. It is unlikely that these will need signification modification given that the overall enterprise missions have not changed.
  • Business Data Element Modifications: The highest level of abstraction was the already developed set of business data elements that are common across either of the implemented and operational data model levels.
  • Specified Data Model Modifications: The Specified Data Models also already developed during the data architecture effort are too unlikely to change in any significant way unless there has been a significant change in the enterprise's mission models.
  • Implemented Data Model Modifications: The Implemented Data Models, already developed represent data model tables that are based on common subject matter areas. Given that the overall mission models of the enterprise are not changing in any significant way, there will likely only be minor changes to these Implemented Data Models. These need to be revised as appropriate to fill in any new requirements that may have surfaced during the various work product creation and reviews.
  • Operational Data Models Modifications: The operational data models are likely to change. Some in minor ways and others significantly. The minor data models that will change will likely be those that deal with reference data. The models that will require significant changes will be those that were initially a large collection of redundant data across the enterprise. The changes therefore will most likely be to have a collection of authoritative data source databases, also called Master Data databases and then a greater quantity of single purpose databases that can, through inter-database access programs retrieve data from other databases.

The second major activity is the refinement of the Resource Life Cycle Node networks.

  • The Resource Life Cycle Node networks include their assigned database object classes (i.e., the semantically homogeneous table collections from within Implemented Data Models), and the various assigned business information systems.
  • Changes to these networks would result from reconfiguring resource types, resource definitions, and the definition and sequencing of the various resource life cycles, and the precedence vectors among Resource Life Cycles. These changes would result from any fundamental business process transformations.

The third major activity is the recasting of various business information systems to better align them with the modified Resource Life Cycle Networks. Ideally there are to only a single collection of business information systems for each Resource Life Cycle Node. Achieving this refactoring will result in coherence and simplicity while at the same time, reduce conflict and redundancy.

The fourth major activity is the possible refactoring of the collections of projects, project deliverables, and work environment factors in order to achieve greater coherence and simplicity while at the same time, reduce conflict and redundancy.

Once these four major activities are completed, the subject matter experts across the enterprise review and make recommendations related to increased coherence and simplicity and the additional reductions in conflict and redundancy. Upon completion via several cycles of review and revision, this becomes the To-Be enterprise architecture.

Metabase System Deployment

Included in this presentation is the identification of the relevant Metabase System data model tables, and the various Metabase System functional modules and processes necessary to capture, store, update, and report appropriate captured data along with an instructor led demonstration ffollowed up by workshop exercises on enterprise architecture work products.

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