
Database Projects

Enterprise database is accomplished through projects. Whitemarsh supports their efficient accomplishment. The key to successful data projects is quality project management. Whitemarsh's project management focuses on deliverables production and measurement in support of earned value reporting. This stands in stark contrast to a time accounting form of project management, which only accounts for project accomplishment through time consumption rather than deliverables produced.

Whitemarsh project management is supported by metrics, work breakdown structures, and project templates. The Whitemarsh project management system employs work breakdown structure and deliverables templates so that work can be repeated, and so repeated work can be contrasted and measured. Whitemarsh thus conforms to key requirements of SEI Level 5.


Data Integrity RulesDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
The data integrity rules papers identifies a set of rules that govern the transformation of database data across seven distinct classes.
Data Is Executed PolicyDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
This paper presents a strategy for viewing data as executed policy. As executed policy, data's structure, definition, and the procedures that enforce data integrity should be defined strategically and by key members of the enterprise.
Data Is Executed Policy LongDownload  Yes
Form: Course
This course presents a strategy for viewing data as executed policy. As executed policy, data's structure, definition, and the procedures that enforce data integrity should be defined strategically and by key members of the enterprise.
Data Is Executed Policy ShortDownload  Yes
Form: Course
This short course presents a strategy for viewing data as executed policy. As executed policy, data's structure, definition, and the procedures that enforce data integrity should be defined strategically and by key members of the enterprise.
Database Project Work Plan TemplatesDownload  Yes
Form: Book
This material contains the most commonly employed subsets of the Whitemarsh methodology work breakdown structures (WBS). Enterprise database is accomplished through a series of small, narrow in scope projects. Each project employs a subset of the Whitemarsh WBS and includes the identification of the prerequisite products, the products produced, PERT charts, unit efforts and work environment factors. Each template also includes WBS data file appropriate for loading into Microsoft project or for use in theWhitemarsh project management system.
Information Systems DevelopmentDownload  Yes
Form: Book
This book represents the overall direction of Whitemarsh: Successful Information Systems. That is, a melding of Upper CASE, Lower CASE, Information Systems Planning, and Project Management. The book contains five sections. Section 1 presents the results of studies into Information Systems failures. Section 2 presents a description of the essential prerequisites for IT success and states why having this environment returns many times its cost. Section 3 of the paper then presents a nine-step process to achieve successful information systems. Section 4 presents an overview of the Whitemarsh Information Systems Plan process. And finally, Section 5, presents an overview of the Whitemarsh's approach to project management.
Information Systems DevelopmentDownload  Yes
Form: Course
This represents the overall direction of Whitemarsh: Successful Information Systems. That is, a melding of Upper CASE, Lower CASE, Information Systems Planning, and Project Management. The book contains five sections. Section 1 presents the results of studies into Information Systems failures. Section 2 presents a description of the essential prerequisites for IT success and states why having this environment returns many times its cost. Section 3 of the paper then presents a nine-step process to achievesuccessful information systems. Section 4 presents an overview of the Whitemarsh Information Systems Plan process. And finally, Section 5, presents an overview of the Whitemarsh's approach to project management.
Information Systems DevelopmentDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
Updated Quarter 2, 2000
This paper represents the overall direction of Whitemarsh: Successful Information Systems. That is, a melding of Upper CASE, Lower CASE, Information Systems Planning, and Project Management.
Make Buy or GenerateDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
This paper presents a rules-based strategies for determining whether it is appropriate to buy, make, or generate software applications to fill business needs.
Methodology - Phase 1 and 2 Preliminary Analysis - Conceptual SpecificationDownload  Yes
Form: Course
This course, collectively referred to as the Business Model Specification, teaches the first two phases of the Whitemarsh Methodology Work Breakdown Structure. Included is an in-depth presentation of mission, database domain, and data model development. Included in the data model development chapter is a presentation of the most commonly seen data model techniques for the various types of databases, that is, original, transition data, subject area, warehouses, and reference data.
Migrating Legacy SystemsDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
This paper presents and compares two different approaches to converting legacy systems: "big bang," or "plan and parts" approach.
OutsourcingDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
This paper presents the pitfalls associated with outsourcing critical-to-the-business application systems. The materials also present an actual case history where outsourcing was a salvation to one party and a scourge to another.
Whitemarsh Project EstimatingDownload  Yes
Form: Book
This book presents the first critical steps in any database project: work plan development and project estimation. This material uses the Whitemarsh methodology work breakdown structure coupled with unit effort estimates, work environment factors and product type quantity estimates (for example, average number of columns per table) to arrive a highly accurate project plan, estimate, schedule, and resource assignments.
Whitemarsh Project ManagementDownload  Yes
Form: Course
This course teaches Whitemarsh Project Management. Key to Whitemarsh project management is its orientation towards deliverables and earned-value reporting. Included is the approach, is the underlying project management database that must be present to effectively manage projects across the enterprise.
Whitemarsh Project Management Architecture and Concept of OperationsDownload  Yes
Form: Book
This book presents Whitemarsh Project Management. This is a architecture and concept of operations book. Key to Whitemarsh project management is its orientation towards deliverables and earned-value reporting. Included is the approach, is the underlying project management database that must be present to effectively manage projects across the enterprise.
Whitemarsh Project Management OverviewDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
This short paper presents Whitemarsh project management which is founded on the notion that deliverables and earned value reporting are the two most critical measures through which knowledge worker projects can be managed. The paper identifies why project management is important, how Whitemarsh project management is different from others, what the critical architecture and concepts of operations must be present for successful project management, and shows how the results of project management can cause self-learning in the enterprise.
Work Breakdown StructuresDownload  Yes
Form: Book
Updated Quarter 4, 2005
This book contains the complete Whitemarsh methodology work breakdown structure. Included in this material is a PC software product that enables project staff to export WBS subsets to project management packages such as Microsoft/Project.
Work Plan DevelopmentDownload  Yes
Form: Paper
This paper presents the process of developing work plans that involve one or more hardware, software, and application class disciplines. At the foundation of the process is the ability to manage work plans for multiple efforts using standard work metricsand work environment factors.

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 Bowie, Maryland 20716 USA

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