
Enterprise Database

When the state of Enterprise Database is achieved this enables the organization, planning, and management of executed policy - aka: the organization's data.  A key component of the Whitemarsh Enterprise Database materials is the Knowledge Worker Framework (KWF).  The KWF is specially tailored to meet the needs of the knowledge worker, and fully embraces all the areas critical to Information Technology success.  The KWF address all the 120+ reasons the U.S. Government accounting office cites for IT systems failure.

Enterprise database projects are identified through an information systems plan (ISP).  The Whitemarsh ISP approach is very efficient, high quality, timely, immediately usable, and is both reliable and maintainable.  The metadata that forms the basis of the ISP is drawn from the Whitemarsh metabase that also serves every database project.


Data ManagementForm: BookSample?
This book contains a comprehensive set of material on data management. Covered are basic terms, data as execucted policy, enterprise database principles, the Knowledge Worker Framework, Missions, database objects, business information systems, business organizations, business functions, database management systems, data architecture types, data standardization, database projects, metadata repositories, information systems planning and project management.
Data Management Program - Components Descriptions and CostsForm: PaperSample?
This material enumerates all the components involved in a data management program. It provides cost estimates for custom development vs purchasing all of the program's components, and identifies the quantities of the various components (seminars, workshops, etc.) needed for delivery to various levels of the enterprise including communities of interest and projects. Finally the materials shows how data management programs have an immediate positive ROI if properly constructed and delivered.
Data Management Program - Contract Language For Understanding Based Data InteroperabilityForm: PaperSample?
This material contains requirements-based language that can be employed by someone writing a contract with a vendor to ensure that databases and automated information systems are created such that they can interoperate one with another.
Data Management Program - Data Management Capability Maturity Model WhitepaperForm: PaperSample?
This material identifies a strategy for creating a data management capability maturity model assessment. It further defines the return on investment, and finally provides a prototypical work plan to accomplish a DM/CMM assessment.
Data Management Program - Data Standards Architectures And ImplementationForm: PaperSample?
This material identifies and describes the four data standards that need to exist for any data management program to be successful. This material further provides a high level process model for accomplishing each data standard. Finally, the materials identifies the data asset products that must be accomplished to achieve the standard.
Data Management Program - Database Interface ArchitecturesForm: PaperSample?
This material identifies and describes the various strategies for interfacing automated information systems and databases from point-to-point strategies to COI based common data exchanges.
Data Management Program - EngineeringForm: PaperSample?
This material provides the necessary engineering constructs for a data management program. Included are terms and concepts, the identification and brief description of data standards, communities of interest, and then a data management program architecture that includes the three layers: program, project, and execution.
Data Management Program - FrameworkForm: PaperSample?
This material sets out a complete hierarchical organization for data management. Included is its overall architecture, governance, components, and projects. The purpose of this material is then act as the hierarchy for a data management website, or for the directory structure for materials storage and access.
Data Management Program - Knowledge Categories And QuestionsForm: PaperSample?
This material contains the key data management topics and a set of questions that should be answerable by those participating in these efforts.
Data Management Program - Metadata Architecture For Data SharingForm: PaperSample?
This material defines the overall metadata architecture that is required for successful data management programs. Key to understanding the requirements for a metadata architecture is understanding the key reasons for past failures and to profit from lessons learned. The material then sets out the architecture for shared data including a five-levels of data model abstraction, and strategies for automated creation and management of names, XML schemas, and metadata catalog data.
Data Management Program - Projects And Data-Asset Product SpecificationsForm: PaperSample?
This material identifies the types and kinds of projects that exist within a data management program, and then for each type of project identifies the types of data asset products that must be produced. For each data asset product, its specifications arethen provided.
Data Management Program - Quality AssessmentsForm: PresentationSample?
This material presents an overall strategy and architecture for assessing data management programs. The presentation includes the identification of capability maturity model levels, the relationship between net-centric goals and data management, and an overall process model for performing data management capability maturity model assessments.
Data Management Program - Reference ModelForm: PaperSample?
This material presents an overall reference model for data management. This includes the identification of supporting layers, strategies for migration, transport, and reference data, and the four data standards. There are finally three dimensions for data to wisdom, data interoperability maturity, and interlocking data communities.
Data Management Program - Requirements For Components And Costing And ScheduleForm: PaperSample?
This material sets out the requirements for data management program components, costing, and schedule. This material lists the requirements for the various components, describes the operational environment, and sets out the needs for software, evolution,maintenance, technical support, and training.
Data Management Program - Tag And Post Vs Data StandardizationForm: PaperSample?
This material describes two approaches to achieve net-centricity. Tag and Post, or Data Standardization followed by Tag and Post. The material compares and contrasts these two approaches with the objective of showing that the Tag and Post only alternative results in net-centric failure.
Data Management Program - Understanding Based Data InteroperabilityForm: PresentationSample?
This material identifies the understanding-based approach to data interoperability by identifying and describing the critical components including both reverse and forward engineering. The material concludes with a description of the way-ahead to achievemore for less, faster, and at a lower risk.
Data Management Program - Way AheadForm: PresentationSample?
This material presents an overview of the way ahead for a net-centric conforming data management program. The presentation describes and compares the alternatives. The material then describes the organization and construction of the complete data management program including cost and schedule affects on data model data model development and application software development.
Data Management Program - Work Breakdown StructuresForm: PaperSample?
This material provides a set of work breakdown structures for activities that are more detailed than those contained in Data Management Program_Data Standards Architectures and Implementation. Each of these work breakdown structures are further divided and refined in the Whitemarsh WBS materials.
Enterprise Database in a Client Server EnvironmentForm: CourseSample?
This course teaches the process of defining, specifying, and building databases in a client/server environment. The topics include rationale, metadata, repository, the critical meta models (mission, data, process, information system, business event, business function, and organization), implemented data model distribution, implemented process model distribution, security, tool selection, and database principles. The first edition of this book may still be available from John Wiley and Sons, New York City, New York.
Enterprise Database OverviewForm: PaperSample?
This material provides descriptions of the components required to achieve enterprise database. It serves as an in-depth management oriented primer and as an introductory set of materials for a number of other Whitemarsh materials.
Enterprise Database PrinciplesForm: PaperSample?
This paper contains a set of principles that are essential to achieving success in enterprise database through database objects.
Information Systems PlanningForm: BookSample?
This book presents a very effective technique for creating enterprise wide information system plans. Compared to traditional techniques by Martin, Finkelstein, and IBM, this techniques is from 5 to 10 times faster. Additionally, the end product of the Whitemarsh ISP is "live" because it is designed to be contained within a project management system like Microsoft/Project. The information system plan is able to be modified and can be subjected to "what-if" analyses for alternative plans.
Information Systems PlanningForm: CourseSample?
The Information Systems Planning Course shows how to create the information systems plan. That is, the plan by which information systems are depicted as their interactions and are scheduled for accomplishment. During the course, the Whitemarsh metabase is employed to show how the data is collected, stored, and then employed to create an actual information systems plan.
Information Systems Planning LongForm: PaperSample?
This paper is a 40 page presentation of the nature of an information systems plan, the 10 steps required to accomplish the plan, and an enumeration of the key characteristics that must be present for an ISP to be of value to the enterprise. That is, it must be: timely, useable, maintainable, high quality and able to be reproduced.
Information Systems Planning ShortForm: PaperSample?
This paper is a presentation of the nature of an information systems plan.
Knowledge Worker FrameworkForm: BookSample?
This material defines the knowledge worker and contrasts the knowledge worker characteristics to those of the process worker. The material provides nearly 10 pages of reasons why large scale information systems fail. The material then introduces the Knowledge Worker Framework, defines its cells, outlines its meta models, and the methodology required to implement a successful knowledge worker environment. The material concludes with a real example of a Knowledge Worker products that were developed in a court systems project.
Knowledge Worker FrameworkForm: CourseSample?
This course teaches the knowledge worker and contrasts the knowledge worker characteristics to those of the process worker. The material provides nearly 10 pages of reasons why large scale information systems fail. The material then introduces the Knowledge Worker Framework, defines its cells, outlines its meta models, and the methodology required to implement a successful knowledge worker environment. The material concludes with a real example of a Knowledge Worker products that were developed in a court systems project.
Knowledge Worker Framework Database ObjectsForm: CourseSample?
This course presents the database objects column of the Knowledge Worker Framework. The topics included are: Information Technology Failures, Data As Policy, Data Architectures, Problems with Traditional Data Standardization Approach, Key Component Models of Successful Data Standardization, and data-centric material about each of the KWF rows, that is, Scope, Business, Systems, Technology, Deployment, and Operations. The material for each of these rows address, database domains, database objects, and thethree classes of data models, specified, implemented and operationa. Class examples are supported by use of the Whitemarsh metabase.
Knowledge Worker Framework OverviewForm: PaperSample?
This paper presents an overview of the Knowledge Worker Framework. Topics include brief descriptions of the Knowledge Worker, the framework required by this type of worker, the KWF's Vewpoint, Project, and Deliverables columns as well as the key content columns for Mission, Database Object, Business Information System, Business Event, Business Function, and Business Organization. The final topic includes an enumeration of the primary responsibilities.
Management ChallengeForm: CourseSample?
This course teaches management how to understand the needs, obligations, and challenges they must face to produce successful database efforts. Management is not just a bystander. Rather, management is essential, critical, and often THE reason for either success or failure.
Managing Database - Four Critical FactorsForm: CourseSample?
This course addresses the four critical factors that must be successfully accomplished to have enterprise database. That is, database technology, DBMS, database projects, and staffing. The first edition of this material was published by QED Information Sciences in 1984. A book for this second edition of the material contained in this book is under development.


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