There are two Holy Grails in IT: Increase Productivity while Reducing Cost, and Increase Quality while Reducing Risk. This message addresses the first. The quickest way to achieve these goals is to build the business information system only once, and to kick programming off the critical path. These are achieved in three steps. First, use the Metabase System to hold work products. It is multi-user and supports enterprise wide, collaborative development. It enables work products reuse. Second, develop business information systems through data-driven techniques. That results in 4.6 times fewer components, which, in turn, reduces component development cost by 4.6 times. Third, increase programmer productivity through code generation That can reduce "hand-coding" to just 5%; the rest is generated. Eliminating 95% of the coding makes accurate budgeting and scheduling possible. We use Clarion from SoftVelocity All together, these three steps form the foundation for ROIs 3, 4, 5, and 6 within our over all approach to Return on IT Investment. Contact us for a demonstration.