
Identifed here are Whitemarsh whitepapers that feature SQL & Database Standards, Data Management, Business Information Systems, Project Management, Database Design, and Metadata Management

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Whitemarsh's Short Paper Series contains over 20 different papers that relate to data management, information systems plans, project management, the Knowledge Worker Framework, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), etcl. Each is self contained and quite valuable..

Whitemarsh has written a number of data management and business information systems related papers for The Data Administration Newsletter (TDAN). TDAN is located at:

Metadata is IT's "books" just like an accounting system is an enterprise's finance and business books.  No one would ever question why a business needs it's finance books, or why comprehensive finance management is important.  The Comprehensive Metadata Management paper is 90+ page paper that presents a comprehensive metadata management approach.  Simply put, if you cannot run a good business without the former, you cannot run good information systems environment without the latter.

Additional Whitepapers dealing with the SQL Standards, and Database Design Information are also available.

Whitemarsh's flagship metadata management system, Metabase, which stores the vast majority of Database and Business Information System System Development Life Cycle work products is available from Whitemarsh.

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 Bowie, Maryland 20716 USA

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